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查看最新留学文章您的位置: 中英网UKER.net > 留学资讯 > 英国大学申请 > 申请指南 > ICMA_理工背景学生申请y英国金融专业总结


中英网英国留学  www.uker.net  2014-05-23    编辑: Hely

编者按:我是电子的小硕,本来打算考GT去读PHD的,不过考完G之后觉得是在是念不下去了,没有读博的信心,就想读一年金融回来工作了,准备申请过程中有了考考CFA的想法,其实level 1 是很简单的,但是我想那些cfa的parnter既然针对cfa考试,那不管怎么说,课程应该是比较practical的,对我找工作也更有利一些吧,就申请的时候侧重了cfa的合作学校的金融项目。

我是电子的小硕,本来打算考GT去读PHD的,不过考完G之后觉得是在是念不下去了,没有读博的信心,就想读一年金融回来工作了,准备申请过程中有了考考CFA的想法,其实level 1 是很简单的,但是我想那些cfa的parnter既然针对cfa考试,那不管怎么说,课程应该是比较practical的,对我找工作也更有利一些吧,就申请的时候侧重了cfa的合作学校的金融项目。我申了LSE,华威和曼彻斯特,这3个我觉得比较靠谱的学校,本以为很有希望的,不过都没中,我觉得原因之一是 我除了兴趣之外找不到任何和金融相关的经验吧。。。。。。


到6月份,我只有leicester 和南安的uncon,想了想又申请了York,杜伦和ICMA,结果杜伦招满了,york给了uncon,ICMA又是con,这就到了8月了,我基本只能去york了,我又开始argue icma,不过比ps还长的argu信还是没用,搞的我很郁闷,想拼一把这样就没有遗憾了,于是回家报了8.30的雅思,我报那天是截止日期,我报了之后当天下午去书店买了一堆雅思写作的书。。。第2天一早check邮箱发现来了个icma的邮件,pdf的扫描附件说给我10000英镑的免学费(IM的学费是15800),我揉了揉眼睛发现不是1000,觉得很庆幸哈哈,就边看奥运会边准备写作。


这个钱完全是以外,但是能给后面的XDJM提供的信息就是 前提条件雅思6.5 各科过6 ,要GMAT,我是用的GRE,其实这个就是先决条件了,真是运气成分有很多,因为这个钱不是专门的什么奖,就是递交申请材料时候附了1个百余字的申请,说自己很穷很牛,至于结果是ICMA自己判断的,我们做不了什么。

我个人觉得对于理工科学生而言,没有扎实的金融背景,学习follow cfa的项目是个不错的选择,首先课程比较实际,没有特理论的东西,就一年时间,才6个月课,学一堆计量啊之类的,老实说我觉得意思不大。其次,cfa 当然不是个什么nb的东西,更何况level 1,但是对我们没学过的门外汉,有个这个经历总能完善自己的知识面么,还是positive的,总的来说,至少不会减分,简历上也漂亮一些。。

对于金融的学校,我觉得当然牛剑LBS就不说了,其次就是LSE和IC,下面是华威和曼彻斯特,这些能去上自然最好。接下来我个人比较推荐 爱丁堡 兰卡 和 杜伦,这些学校都有cfa的合作项目,对于没有金融背景转专业的学生是个不错的申请学校的guidance。


是不是收申请费 + 学费贵不贵,你就会发现上面提到的金融学校和项目都是不错的 哈哈。牛剑好像是2.4W, LSE是2W, 爱丁堡是1.7W,兰卡是1.4W,没有便宜的。。。。。。。

我说了一堆cfa合作如何如何,并不是说我吹丫的怎么好,只是给那些和我一样转专业同学申请学校时候的一个策略,不管怎么说是positive么,但是能抛多少就没有定论了 证明自己的最终是实力而不是外在的东西。

这个是cfa par网站大家可以参考(只针对跨专业学金融的学生)


最后还是要 非常感谢太傻的XDJM,我所有出国的东西都是在太傻上各位的帮助下DIY的,非常感谢你们啊!!!!


加油!!!!!!!!!!!! BLESS YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!

今年我运气好 只有6.5和6的要求 我递的GRE



Driven by the strong interest in science and how science promotes the development of society, I entered X University , one of the best universities in China for undergraduate study, majored in Physics. During the four years, academic excellence characterized my study in X. Then in 2005 I achieved top marks in the highly competitive postgraduate entrance exam and was admitted to Y University. I chose the major of telecommunication and electronics to broaden my educational background. During three years of graduate study, I mastered circuits, computer languages and other engineering skills well. In 2005, I won a fellowship from the Fortune Semiconductor Company-Y internship and participated in chip-design training program where I successfully finished the MAC module design project through the collaboration with senior engineers. Moreover, in 2006 I played a central role in the Parameter Extraction of SOI MOSFET project in my lab which was funded by SMIC and Y.

It would be true to say that the day I became interested in finance and planed to further my study in this field was a turning point in my life. It was my investment experience that opened my eyes to the wide world of Finance. I was deeply attracted by it as soon as I invested for the first time, not because of the money I earned, but the eagerness to find out the reasonable answers haunting in my mind: what factors causes the fluctuation of the stock market; why the stock prices vary every second; what indexes fix the stock prices of different corporations, all of which are connected closely with the Financial Theory. I actively sought more information about this field. Thus I intentionally took advantages of the platform provide by Y university to learn relevant knowledge, such as Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Money and Finance, Accounting, and so on. It was this experience that inspired my strong interests in finance and provided me a distinguished perspective quite different from that of a mere electronic engineer. I found my interest growing, the more I learned about Financial Theory.

In winter vocation of 2007, I got the internship in Business Department of Harbin Branch, Bank of China; my major responsibility was to assist in recording each transaction of our international settlement, the cash flows of our customer’s account, and cash inventory account of our department. This work process helped me to gain a primary understanding of finance such as China’s financial structure and regulations, the influence of the financial policy to China’s commercial banks. This experience attracted me deeply and ignited my desire of taking my career in financial field.

Throughout the study and internship, I found that I have my own advantages in this area: the study of science equipped me a logical way of thinking , an analyzing and resolving ability which made me competent to further my study in other unfamiliar fields; sound mathematical training made me easy to learn the Quantitative method and Accounting; engineering experience gave me a deeper understanding of technical influences to the corporations, industries and economics ,which is vital important in some situations such as industrial research and investment fields. All above dimensions strengthened my confidence in this area.

However, finance is a very complicate subject and my current knowledge and work experience is still far away from the requirements. After visiting the Website of A, I am deeply attracted by the MSc Finance and Economics programs. It offers the comprehensive education in finance, enables me to experience the campus life of the first-class universities. Moreover, it is exciting for me to have the opportunity to feel the different cultural atmosphere. Considering my solid scientific background, engineering experience, independent research and work ability, I believe my study life and my career will be full of achievements and delight.

Dear Madam or Sir:

I am in the hope of obtaining a scholarship to support my study in the Master Program.

I am eager to have the chance to get some kinds of financial aid, indeed this large amount of fee would be a fairly big burden for me, and I do believe that my multi-disciplinary academic background and ample work experience makes me a competent candidate for this scholarship. (网友kuluoluo2原创)



ICMA是国际资本市场协会(International Capital Market Association)的英文简称,建立于1914年。其总部设在瑞士的苏黎士,是一个为国际金融市场制定行业规范的机构,同时也是国际证券市场的贸易协会。现有公司会员近640家,分布于世界上51个国家,其中绝大多数公司会员是世界著名的金融、证券机构和投资公司。其功能的实现不仅不受地域限制,而且还产生对行业意识形态的影响。ICMA的会员包含几乎世界上所有知名的金融投资银行和机构,而会员间的业务往来多数依靠电子手段贯通全球的资本市场。因此,作为资本市场的中心机构,ICMA所起到的全球化作用不可估量;而其所代表的资本市场的高度,更象征了行业内的权威性。

设于英国雷丁大学内的ICMA中心(International Capital Market Association Centre)成立于1991年,从1994年开始招收硕士研究生,现扩大到四个硕士学位专业并招收本科学生。该中心系由ICMA总部投资,利用雷丁大学在培养银行和金融业管理人才方面的特长与优势,与雷丁大学合作办学和开展研究,旨在专门培养从事金融业的高级管理人才。该中心代表着国际证券、投资和银行业与英国重点大学所形成的具有独创性的合作方式,这非但在英国,在全欧洲的大学中也是独一无二的。目前由于其卓越的学术水平而被认为是拥有全英最好的金融专业的教育机构,是全欧洲最大的提供国际证券与投资专业人才教育的培训基地;同时也是全球范围内培养出最多的国际证券与投资专业的硕士毕业生和本科毕业生的金融商学院,其高质量的毕业生群体绝大部分供职于ICMA会员机构,在所学领域展现一技之长。


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