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我的申请经验谈----关于语言学校的选择 我问的老师的建议

中英网英国留学  www.uker.net  2006-10-24  来源: 澳际  作者: 佚名

语言学校有多种. 私利的学校, 根据老师的推荐比较有名的是四所. 这是老师给我的信息:
Good schools at which you can doubtless find suitable courses for improving your English. The first four, I am sure, would find you a host family to stay with; in fact, that is their normal way of working. Thus, you could learn English at ‘home’ as well as in class. (If you don’t get on with your host family, it is generally easy to choose another one.)
The following schools are all private; however, some (Hilderstone College and the Bell Centres, and possibly International House) are nonprofit institutions whereas Pilgrims, for instance, is a profit making business.
I have put them in alphabetical order.
http://www.bell-centres.com Several schools around Britain. One feature of these schools is that they are usually housed in very fine old buildings. Fairly expensive but the quality is generally high.
www.eurocentres.com One (two?) schools in London, one in Bournemouth. Schools all over Europe. You could, for instance, study Spanish in Spain if you wanted to.
www.hilderstone.ac.uk In a pleasant, small seaside town. Where Tessa teaches. A small college. Small classes.
www.ihworld.com A very large organization with schools around the world. Its headquarters and ‘home’ school is on Picadilly Street in London not far from the Japanese Embasssy (so you know it must be in a classy area!)
www.pilgrims.co.uk Based in Canterbury at the University of Kent but offer the kind of courses you are interested in mainly only in the summer. University of Kent is attractively located near Canterbury (very pleasant town) but the university buildings themselves are rather mediocre, in my opinion. It is likely that you would be staying in university accommodation, not with a host family.
I have not included any university programmes because I am unfamiliar with the course offerings at universities around Britain. You would need to ask someone else about such programmes. My impression is that courses at universities are much cheaper than courses offered at the schools listed above but that, in general, their courses are less intensive and that students get less encouragement to use English after class. Additionally, since the above schools are almost always quite small in comparison with a university, it is generally easier to make friends rather quickly. This would be particularly true, I think, if you chose a school that was not in a big city. I am sure there are other good schools than the ones I have listed (for example, also check out Shane School of English and Oxofrd House), but the ones above are the ones I know best.
这位老师是教语言出身的, 在英语教学方面很有造诣. 我以前在TIGTAG 在受益很多,希望这些信息对大家有所帮助. 关于学校的信息, 大家可以上学校的网站查查. GOOD LUCK.






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