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中英网英国留学  www.uker.net  2011-08-25    编辑: UKER.net新闻报道组

编者按:Personal Statement(个人陈述,简称PS)的写作是英国留学申请当中技术含量较高的一环,要到位地描述自己是一件很难的事情。下面请看护理学专业PS范文

My desire to do this course is because I have always shown a growing interest into nursing as it strikes me as a worthwhile and satisfying career to choose. I am a confident student willing to provide the university with good communication skills, supporting others, and being able to interact closely with them. I feel that nursing would be rewarding and create different pathways for my future.

My career plans are centered in the future of the NHS. I would like to go into a working friendly community of nursing working for the NHS.

Nursing would satisfy me helping others with their needs and seeing them to better health. I have always wanted to be involved in working in a health care setting from an early age as I spent a lot of time in hospital with my fathers heart problems.

This inspired me to carry out a career in nursing, as I would like to learn more about health care and develop my knowledge and practical skills to qualify me to be able to practice as a nurse. I am currently studying health and social care dual award. It helps me understand about different care settings and how the body functions.

Health and social care has shown me new ways of life an insight to how life changes. During my work experience I have visited playgroups and watched how children develop. I worked closely with children for several weeks and enjoyed it and was asked to revisit which I did. Yet I have also visited an elderly home and studied communications during a one to one conversation with a resident from a local day center that inspired me a lot to carry out my desired career.

In my spare time I socialize with my friends and work part time. But when I find the time I play badminton and do gymnastics at the local sport center. I try to keep a healthy balance of my academic studies and free time so I don't get behind with any work. My friends are very important to me as I am a very much a “people person”。

I am very enthusiastic about this coming year, I know I can take on challenges I have the motivation, determination to achieve my desired career it would open a gateway of opportunities for me and I know I could achieve the qualifications I want to proceed in my ambition of nursing.


关键字:PS范文 PS 护理学专业 







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